3500 – October 25, 2025 – If You Can’t Beat Them, Eliminate Them – 11 DAYS… VOTE BUT DO NOT JUST WALK AWAY! By this I mean that Americans need to be involved and informed and the only way to do this is to DO IT! There’s an old saying – If you can’t beat ‘em join ‘em! BUT that’s not what violent third-world-country dictators do.

If You Can’t Beat Them, Eliminate Them –

Slam them… slur them… prosecute them… (every man and woman has committed some crime… right?)

 Show me the man and I’ll show (or find) you a crime (by Stalin’s secret police, Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria)

 Is this where American politics is today? Have we stooped so far in the gutter, that we are now just a third world country in fancy suits? Are we just People pretending to be free? WE ARE NOT FREE IN AMERICA.

Are the political parties – those two who monopolize America’s political arena and “occupy” the People’s House – nothing more than board members of a corporation?

11 days to election day… what and who is on the ballot in your state, your city, your county?

A Constitutional Republic only works if the people are working it. Consent of the Governed is a strong statement in the Declaration of Independence. It is a statement of power to the people!

If You Can’t Beat Them, Eliminate Them

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