3509 – November 7, 2024 – I Heard The People Sing -After President Trump’s victory speech (which I found subdued… in a good way) many who were still hanging around the Palm Beach Convention Center began singing. What were they singing?

Oh Lord, my God
When I, in awesome wonder
Consider all the worlds Thy hands have made
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder
Thy power throughout the universe displayed

Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee
How great Thou art, how great Thou art


They were not singing a battle song or even a victory song; plain and simple… they were praising God! God commanded me in 2018 to start each show here at CSC Talk Radio with prayer…. “For Such a time as this” I always begin. I have often wondered why. AND I have noticed in the past few years, I have heard others leaning on God … Greg Kelly on New Max will speak of his faith … unashamedly… claiming he is but a baby Christian.

Short little Beth is not the only person God uses. AND when I heard the people sing, I thought I felt the power of God! I have said before God is never shocked off His throne. The corruption we have seen, he has always known!

BUT the amazing thing God works in all lives and the same time. Even one voice so small as me on CSC Talk Radio.

AND know this, God did and does “Hear the People Sing” And such praise pleases Him!

I Heard The People Sing

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