3498 – October 23, 2024 – ELECTION EVERTHING! The news is EVERYTHING election – but is everything about the election? It is if you’re talking to a politician.

LIFE in America does continue, however. If you were just diagnosed with cancer, or some other horrible disease, the election is not necessarily “top of mind.” If you were just in, or narrowly escaped a bad accident, the election is not “tops of mind.”

In Missouri we have a multitude of Amendments on the ballot AND we see signs in yards up and down the neighborhoods. I’m certain it’s the same where you are as well.

We hear a lot about Election interference. What exactly constitutes election interference?

Should politicians be allowed to LIE about what they will do if elected, AND then do the opposite? Is that really ok?

Should the media LIE or hide information from the citizens?

Elections have become a war in many ways. This election is not a war for democracy, as they ALL keep touting, this election is a war about Truth vs “misinformation” AND a so-called America political party wanting to remove FREE SPEECH!


This election is war about Americans having RIGHTS at all, or just government-given privileges. The Democratic Party (and many in the Republican Party as well) are power hungry for Absolute Power!! Which corrupts Absolutely.

If you ever doubted that there is very little differences (accept in front of the cameras) in these political actors look no further than at Liz Cheney promoting Kamala, promoting Absolute power Of ONE IDEA… Government is king!

Everything in our lives today is not top of mind BUT if you go to the grocery store the prices are “top of mind.”

If you can’t be approved for your medical treatment perhaps who is in office matters and becomes top of mind.

Our LIVES should not be all about the election = as an American Citizen though it has grown more obvious that it is the duty of each of us to know what is going on. To remove the corruption, remove this LIE of democracy, bureaucracy and fully restore our Constitutional Republic We the people, Consent of the government!

I believe We the People are once again in a state of 1776, and elections matter, parties do not! In my opinion the power of parties has brought us to the brink of ruin, the ruining of our once Free and Independent America.


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