3536 – December 16, 2024 – CLANGING CYMBALS – 1 Corinthians 13:1a “If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.”

It’s sick and it’s dangerous – these people on the left making the back-shooting murderer a hero. The coward Luigi Mangione is no hero – his actions saved no lives… he was not brave enough to face the man (innocent of any wrong doing to Luigi) so he snuck up behind him and shot him… until he was dead! Yep… that fixes all the healthcare problems in America.

Lizzy Warren said this: The visceral response of people around the country who feel cheated, ripped off, and threatened by the vile practices of their insurance companies should be a warning to everyone in the healthcare system. Violence is never the answer, but people can only be pushed so far.

“Violence is never the answer – Period” This is a warning that if you push people hard enough, they lose faith in the ability of their government to make change, lose faith in the ability of the people who are providing the health care to make change, and start to take matters into their own hands in ways that will ultimately be a threat to everyone.”

 The confused – clanging cymbals of the LEFT – don’t know the difference between a hero and a thug. Maybe because they themselves are thugs… policy making thugs WHO don’t have to live by their own policies. Mangioni is a SICK individual, yet the LEFT want to make a martyr of him… a martyr for what or for whom?


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