3513 – November 13, 2024 – Brace Yourself, The Storm is Coming – Remember when Trump said, “This could be the calm before the Storm” when he stood with his newly appointed people during his first presidency? He baffled people with that comment, but here we are now years later, and there has been a lot of storms, politically speaking, but perhaps nothing like we’re about to see.
Brace yourself America… the storm is yet coming!
President Trump intends to restore our constitutional Republic, but I can guarantee you there will be a continual wave of resistance from the LEFT and from the RIGHT! America spoke with our votes last week. I pray we actually mean what we say. If and when Trump’s team can begin chipping away at our out-of-control gargantuan bureaucracy there will be some pain and sacrifice for all.
When he implements law and order around this nation there will be violence, so Americans need to be ready!
The calm I feel now… and think is the eye of the storm that is about to hit America.
I pray I am wrong! But the character of our “government” has not been one of “rule of law” OR peace… not since President Trump hit the political scene. (the rest of the story is in the podcast)
Brace Yourself, The Storm is Coming
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