3459 – August 29, 2024 – Be Unburdened From The Tyranny That Is – The policies of the socialists; Kamala – Biden – Obama – Clinton – BUSHES (and Congress)… MUST be removed!
Unbeknownst to many in America, because of a GREAT deception – we failed to understand that our Liberty was the frog in the pot being slowly cooked… HAD they attempted to cut off our legs and fry ‘em up – we might have been quicker to reject the NEW government they were cookin’ up.
BUT as we were placed in the warm water (not yet boiling) we relished in the deceptions of legislation that were laced with words like, affordable, sustainable, for your safety, for the good of the whole community… “healthcare” is a right… reproductive health care is a right – as in killing the unborn (now it’s killing the born)… AND to help Americans through the tough time (which never seems to be the fault of the politicians and their policies) …they birth omnibus bills… they legislate grants and subsidies… perks for which they send you a bill!! BECAUSE Americans always pay… and pay more than their fair share. THE water continues to heat up… they assure us it is climate change AND … we must give up ALL we have to save their global governance… I mean to save the planet.
So, the national debt grows, and our currency become as insignificant as Kamala’s word salads.
Our Liberty subsides with each subsidy … our children are not ours and they are no longer safe…… our military grows week and sissified – as they are commanded by bullying cowards… women’s healthcare is a murderous scheme… AND the American Dream is now a nightmare!
Be Unburdened From The Tyranny That Is
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