3560 – January 17, 2025 – Anxiously But Cautiously – The time of Joe Biden and the near democrat dictatorship over America is about to end. We Anxiously but Cautiously await the transfer of power from DEMS to Republicans. I personally would prefer the transfer of power be said to be to We the People; obviously Republicans have been less than trustworthy in the past… recently and further back. With Trump leading we all have some optimism that this nation will be making an about-face!

At the end of today’s show I will be sharing my “tribute” to the End of the Days of Joe Biden, and welcoming in a NEW Era for America.

I have great concerns over the safety of this nation. Will we fall prey to an Oct 7 style attack as Israel did? The Dems have allowed an invasion and millions of foreigners into our land. They are not all here to vote. They are not all here to pick lettuce. They are not all here to “find a job” or become an American!


Anxiously But Cautiously

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