3486 – October 7, 2024 – 29 Days and Scurrying… This is the time for all of us… America… to take a good look at what we want in our government. You should seriously question the reasoning behind the rhetoric of democrats (and their RINO buddies) when they say… they believe the 1st and 2nd Amendment need to altered, controlled, or repealed.

It has nothing to do with your safety but everything to do with their power. The polls tell us we are a divided nation… I know that we are BUT I do doubt it is a much as they want us to believe. The 2-party monopoly has been working against the Constitutional Republic and pushing forward their so-called democracy for over a century. We must remember the words of George Washington, “Let me… warn you in the most solemn manner against the baneful effects of the spirit of party.”

 If Americans are voting party, and not LIBERTY – then we shall lose this great fight! Our founding fathers warned us many times AGAINST democracy…. YET…. These parties both keep saying they are supporting democracy…

Democracy is four wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote! Attributed to Benjamin Frankline AND Ambrose Bierce. With that particular quote in mind – ask yourself why does the democrat party want to disarm Americans? Why are the parties BOTH always working to “control your guns” – what kind, how much ammo… etc.…

Plain and simply democracy is MOB rule.

The 2-party system… is just fighting who will be ruling over the mob. AND if the democrats continue to be in power…… the mob will soon be nothing more than serfs… we are almost at that point now. It is said when a wild animal has the taste of blood they will KILL! The democrat party (both truly) has had the taste of power – and they are moving in for the kill… absolute power to infinity… and beyond BUT the beyond will be the complete demise of this nation!

Today is the anniversary of the horrific attack on Israel – Hamas swooped in for the kill! Now, the very small nation of Israel is being attacked from numerous sides. YET the democrats … want Israel to stand down and take it! Harris and Biden have done NOTHING to free American prisoners from Hamas and they keep telling Israel to stop! WHY does this administration have such little care for Americans?

We have been watching the horrific scenes from the disastrous hurricane-storm Helene. Once again neither Harris nor Biden have taken the lead to help Americans… much like the horrific fire in Hawaii … they’ve done little to nothing thus far.

29 days and scurrying.

American’s are “worrying” –

will Liberty and our constitution survive?

Will our Republic be revived?

OR will Americans Vote for party and pride

Bringing their own demise?


OR will Americans after witnessing the greatest corruption of our time…

Wise up, rise up and Bring America Home?!

“The Public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men.” Samuel Adams

29 Days and Scurrying…

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